Goal: Finish the Florida Ironman Triathlon, November 5, 2011, Panama City, FL
Current Weight: 196
Ironman Goal Weight: A lean, strong, healthy 189
Current Injury Status: None. Hallelujah.
Current Training: Temps are starting to heat up and so am I—the swim, bike, and run continue to improve. Most importantly, a 3- year weight plateau has been shattered and wow, does it feel great! I am never hungry, my energy levels are high, and I’m not on a diet. I’m semi-primal. More on this next time…
LAUGH: Treadmill Tomfoolery
Let’s face it, even someone who loves to run eventually struggles with a long winter and treadmill runs at home or the gym. During the school year my runs must be early, early morning and so yes, I become married to the treadmill for climate and safety reasons. Well, here's what I may start doing to liven things up a bit...click below.
THINK: Keep on Hammerin’!
You’ve heard the Jacob Riis (writer, journalist 1849-1914) quote about the stone cutter...
“Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”
Photo Credit: Matthew Maguire |
Many of you no doubt are trying to break through some kind of plateau or get out of some rut. You’ve been trying, but the results aren’t matching the desired time frame associated with our get-it-now, instant gratification society! You feel like you are spinning your wheels in the mud and may want to quit. If your plan is based upon solid, time-tested principles then regroup, refocus, take a swig of DetermiPatience and see this thing through. Most people give up after a tiresome number of strikes with the hammer because they are frustrated with the seemingly lack of progress. Stay with it, you’re just a few more strikes away from success…
My mind has wandered often in recent days to those who are struggling with life’s trials and also to those whose lives, in my opinion, are taken too soon. It is difficult to watch our loved ones suffer. We mourn, we grieve, and of course, we miss those who pass on. We can all write a list of names and the older we get the longer the list becomes…
We owe it to ourselves, our families, and our friends to not waste our opportunity here. My time on earth is limited and I’m making a renewed pledge to MMM: Maximize My Minutes.